
How Does Anonymity Affect Conformity

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why do people conform?
  • ii Types of Conformity
    • 2.1 Compliance
    • 2.two Identification
    • two.3 Internalization
    • ii.iv Compliance and Obedience
  • iii The reason why people Conform
    • Fear of being frozen out
    • 3.2 Inability to pursue personal goals
    • 3.three Unavailable or fewer resources
    • 3.4 Want to belong
    • iii.5 Rewards or gain
    • 3.6 To change people's opinion
    • Fearfulness of continuing out
  • four Factors that increase conformity
    • 4.1 Peer group
    • iv.2 Unanimity
    • 4.3 Public Opinion
    • iv.4 Cohesion
    • 4.5 Low cocky-esteem
    • iv.6 Civilization
    • Religion
    • 4.viii The legitimacy of potency
  • 5 Factors that decrease conformity
    • 5.1 Prior commitment
    • v.ii Distance from authority
    • 5.3 Determination to pursue personal goals
    • five.4 Rebellion within a group
    • 5.5 Real-life examples of conformity
    • 5.6 Greetings
    • five.vii Attending Parties
    • 5.8 Timekeeping
    • 5.nine Habits
    • five.x Dresses and advent
  • 6 Importance of Conformity
  • vii Disadvantages of Conformity
  • 8 The role of peer pressure in conformity

Why practise people conform: Conformity is not a new subject field. It has been in existence since times immemorial. Have you e'er changed something about yourself to fit into a grouping? People detect themselves in one grouping or the other and try to abide past the group's standard. Though it is often ascendant among peers and the workplace. It has been proven to be part of our daily life engagements.

Why practise people conform?

Conformity is the procedure whereby people change their beliefs, perceptions, character, actions, habits, or attitudes to match those of the group they belong to closely. Conformity can too be defined as agreeing to groups' standards that bring most a change in behavior, character, or perception.

Moreover, conformity is a blazon of social influence that involves a change in some critical behavioral features to fit into a group. In some cases, it forces people to deed similar the bulk in a specific group. People often prefer to conform to a group rather than running personal goals. The reason is that it is easy to follow paths others have already made.

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The tendency to conform occurs with the gradual deposition of something in our hidden heed. The group you lot move with influences yous. Knowingly or unknowingly, you begin to behave like the group you belong to. There is a popular saying that "a human being is an boilerplate of at least five (v) of the people he relates with".

Mostly, it is hard to repel the energies that catamenia effectually us every solar day. A child tends to change, ignore his family unit'south standards, and arrange to the society or group he finds himself in.

Types of Conformity

According to Herbert Kelman, there are three types of conformity.


Compliance is public conformity that is motivated by the need for approving or fearfulness of disapproval. Oft, compliance is propelled past avoidance of punishment or proceeds of advantage. People are compelled to comply with some standards.

In some cases, compliance could exist forced or voluntary. Compliance could exist voluntary conformity if it'southward washed out of free volition. However, it could be forced when compliance is done to avoid punishment. The group decides the rules, behavior, perceptions, etc., for the members to comply. Compliance is public conformity, while there is a possibility of keeping ane's beliefs private.


Identification is conformity that deals with one's identity. Identification is the adoption of someone else'south beliefs, ideas, or values. Specially someone the person cares about. This is done to improve or develop a relationship with the person. Identification is deeper than compliance. Information technology means identifying yourself with a person whose values and ideas you dear and adore.


Internalization is described as the acceptance of a belief held by a trusted person. Internalization is accepting values, standards, perspectives, or behavior from a reliable source and conforming to them both privately and publicly. The urge and desire to be right drive internalization.

Why do people conform

Compliance and Obedience

Compliance and obedience are two unlike but like things. Although, both are types of social influence. Obedience is obeying instructions from a higher authorisation. Conformity, on the other hand, is intended to change some behavioral values and perceptions. Obedience can be seen both in expert and bad ways considering it's most obeying a college authorization.

An example of this could be seen in the military. In the military, instructions are very of import, notwithstanding reluctant you lot experience. Obedience doesn't bear upon what you believe, but compliance does. Compliance entails adhering to the values of a grouping. Obedience teaches post-obit instructions while compliance teaches matching values to fit into a group.

Compliance might weaken over time. When people are taught to follow their path, compliance begins to reduce.

The reason why people Conform

Hither are some of the reasons why people Suit:

Fear of being frozen out

Some people suit because they fright they might be frozen out of a grouping of the society to which they belong.

Inability to pursue personal goals

The lack of personal goals or the urge to pursue personal goals makes people confirm.

Unavailable or fewer resources

Little or no resources to pursue personal goals make people adapt. Some people follow to conform to some groups because provide them with manageable resource either for budget or sustenance.

Want to belong

The desire to belong to a known group or gild is some other reason why people conform. Often, we want to be associated with some people, thereby we tend to adapt to their way of life.

Rewards or proceeds

Rewards or personal gains make people arrange. Some group offers mouthwatering rewards for members, this makes people join and stick with the group.

To alter people's opinion

People also accommodate to alter people's opinions virtually them.

Fearfulness of standing out

The fearfulness of standing out makes them suit. It seems easy to stroll the path that others have created rather than creating a new thing.

Why do people conform

Factors that increment conformity

Here are the Factors that increase conformity:

Peer grouping

Equally a member of a grouping, y'all are expected to practise what others do. Especially, among friends or peers. If your friends regularly go out to have fun, when you don't bring together them, information technology means yous don't fit in. Naturally, your peers begin to encounter you lot as a different person and ignore you.


Unanimity too has the potential to increment conformity. The urge for peace and harmony causes people to conform.

Public Opinion

Public opinion increases the trend to conform. That is why myths and rumors travel fast and they influence people. People contesting ability use public opinion and sentiment to their advantage.


The closer a group is, the more than agglutinative the members become. Members of the group see their values every bit one when they trust themselves more than.

Low self-esteem

A person with low self-esteem quickly conforms to values. Such a person does things to avoid being in the spotlight.


Culture is said to be a way of life. It has a slap-up influence on conformity.


There are different beliefs and practices for unlike religions. To join a religion, you must accept accepted to acknowledge and follow those beliefs. You lot technically accommodate to the religion y'all believe in.

The legality and the rightfulness of authorities increase conformity. When you realize the legitimacy of authority, you tend to conform to its values.

Factors that decrease conformity

Here I'm going to explicate the Factors that decrease conformity:

Prior commitment

One of the major factors that reduce conformity is prior commitment. A strong prior delivery will bear upon conformity.

Distance from authority

Distance from authority also reduces conformity. People don't experience pressured or monitored by government. They experience free to do their things the way they want when they are far away from authorities. An example of this is a child leaving his/her house and living where the parents cannot monitor him/her.

Conclusion to pursue personal goals

The more determined people are to pursue personal goals, the less conformed they become.

Rebellion within a group

Conformity within a grouping can exist broken when rebellion sets in. When people insubordinate against authorities, they practice what's against the regime.

Existent-life examples of conformity

Conformity exists in our daily activities, some of which we exercise every twenty-four hour period.


Conformity can exist seen in greetings. The ways by which people greet varies. Greetings are sometimes influenced by work, culture, organized religion, or location. Handshake is an office environment is platonic. Researchers accept said that some business investors measure the courage of their clients through how business firm their handshake is.

Attention Parties

Some people are not the political party blazon. When such people motility with the people that like going to parties, they are compelled to join them.


Naturally, some people don't keep to fourth dimension. They are not time-witting at all. Those people might exist forced to become time conscious when they move into a new environment or workplace.


Habits are easily influenced by the company a man moves with. Examples of those habits include eating habits.

Dresses and appearance

Conformity can likewise be seen in dresses and advent.

Importance of Conformity

Conformity helps people who don't know where and how to start things. Befitting to a group gives them insight. The power of associating with other people with the same goals and values encourages them in downtime. Conforming to a skilful grouping will make you better.

It is like shooting fish in a barrel to adopt habits or behavior y'all see other people doing. The group you motion with influences you and go the best out of you.

Disadvantages of Conformity

Conformity, on the other manus, tin exist dangerous. Information technology keeps people abroad from having a mind of their own. Befitting to wrong values and perceptions makes you deviate from doing what is correct.

The function of peer pressure in conformity

Peer pressure level can be a catalyst for conformity. Research has shown that peer pressure level controls well-nigh 75% of the beliefs and perception of people who fall under the influence. The influence peer pressure pulls out in conformity is very stiff. It stands every bit ane of the biggest forces that attract conformity.

Being indifferent almost the activities of a group doesn't affect conformity. With time, you either conform or driblet out of the group if you are not cool with their standards.

Finally, conformity is good for everyone. You only accept to choose your company wisely. Yous are influenced by what y'all see, hear and perceive.

How Does Anonymity Affect Conformity,


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